I didn’t expect Peggy Winton to start my day with a request like that, but it was the AIIM Boot Camp, so it fit the theme. Listening to Peggy and some of the vendors on the floor and speakers in the break-out sessions, I got the feeling that Document Content Information management...
Seriously, is that cool or what? Last week, I was led to an article on Information Week’s site that called Microsoft’s Office Web Apps for iPad a “Game Changer”. I don’t know about that, I see it more like the umpire yelling “ Play Ball! ” Up until now...
If the only thing that stops you from working form home on a gorgeous July day is the fact that you can’t get to information if you aren’t at an office- then you need a mobile content management intervention. I’m writing this while streaming a podcast to my iPhone, and...
NBA superstar point guard Deron Williams signed a new $98 million dollar contract with the Brooklyn Nets earlier this week. What makes this story of particular interest to informational professionals is that he signed it on an iPad using an app called, "SignNow." Immediately...
Well over a year ago, we discovered an error in thinking that caused us to give ourselves a big pat on the back where none was deserved. We had modified the standard New and Edit forms for a custom list, and we even personalized those forms for the users. When we showed the (two) users of this...
What a difference a year makes! Having just come from the AIIM 2012 conference, I realize how things have changed. A year ago, the iPad was a fad, social meant Facebook, and the cloud was a place on the internet that people were scared of, most of all your Director of IT. In speaking...
With all the talk of cloud-based applications, mobile access, digital everything and big data (I know that I’m missing a couple John, but bear with me)is my small shop going to be able to thrive in the new world of Information Management? In case you don’t know, we have about 35...
“Hey Dan can I come by later to use your scanner? I need to scan and email a few documents for my new apartment lease.” I stared at my monitor in complete disbelief. Literally mouth hanging open. Printing and scanning a document just to sign it and fill out some information?...
For those who have been keeping tabs on the rise of social business in healthcare, McKinsey's 5th annual survey on the way organizations use social tools & technologies finds that they continue to seep into many organizations, transforming business processes and raising performance. In...
As far as years go, 2011 wasn’t one of the best. Personally, I started the year in the care of a physical therapist struggling to mend a shoulder injury. Turning to business, and keeping in mind the business that we are in (insuring nuclear power facilities), 2011 brought us a little bit of...
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