MoReq 2010 Consultation Portal Launched Request for contributions To participate register at MoReq 2010 project The DLM Forum has begun an intensive work programme to update MoReq, model requirements for the management of electronic records
As recently as 2009, the DLM Forum’s stated intention was to have an outline of MoReq2010 ready for its AGM in May 2010, with a final version in September
The consultation is due to be open until 26 December 2010, so don’t lose any time
Worse yet, the DLM Forum has announced a commitment to publish a completed MoReq2010 specification by 31st December 2010. Given that many of the consultation comments are major and fundamental, it defies belief that this can be done. Let us all hope - for the good of the records management community - that the DLM Forum has the courage to realise that more consultation is needed - much more - and that it must not try to publish a completed specification by the end of 2010. What is needed now is a next draft, then a properly planned, extended, further consultation
From an original intention to present a draft at the DLM Forum’s Spring 2010 meeting, it has slipped so far that we still have yet to see a single word of the draft. And yet the project is sticking to its announced intention to deliver MoReq2010 before the end of 2010. Two weeks ago, at a conference in Bucharest (Romania), Jon Garde (the consultant who is writing MoReq2010) announced the following plans: publication of his responses to the first round of consultations by 15 October; consultation on the draft in “October-November”; completion of the project before the end of December 20103
The finished MoReq2010 was promised for the end of 2010. But it has not appeared
It doesn’t do much – even now, 13 months after the end of 2010, there is not even a slight sign that MoReq2010 will ever be complete. Let’s look quickly at the DLM Forum’s record: The DLM Forum Promised… What did the DLM Forum deliver? MoReq2010 (during 2010) Incomplete Late (mid 2011) No timetable for completion Testing regime Late (end 2011) ‘Beta’ version only No timetable for completion Testing materials Late (end 2011) Incomplete No timetable for completion XML schema ‘Beta’ version only Delivered with example data Missing modules Nothing No timetable for delivery MoReq translation licences Nothing Accredited test centre announcement Nothing Training materials Nothing Dissemination events Nothing Plan for MoReq ongoing development Nothing Consultant accreditation Nothing Glossy academic-style journal Nothing Records transfer standard Nothing A ‘vision’ for the Forum’s future, to be discussed at the Dec 2011 conference Nothing Is the DLM Forum still relevant?
Just in time for its meeting in Brussels starting tomorrow, the DLM Forum published yesterday (Sunday 14 November 2010) a newsletter about MoReq2010
Don’t tell anyone: MoReq2010 has at last been published. I say ‘don’t tell anyone because’ the DLM Forum (its publisher) seems to be keeping it quiet. In its most bizarre move yet, the DLM Forum has published MoReq2010 – but without a big splash to tell people....
Lots of news about MoReq2010 following the DLM Forum’s triennial conference in Brussels (Belgium) this week (12 to 14 December 2011). SOFTWARE TESTING PROGRAMME The DLM Forum has launched its testing programme for MoReq2010. There are two main aspects to this...
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