by on May 28, 2014 I recently had to create a PowerPoint presentation on classification for Records Managers for one of my technical/sales colleagues. One slide, provided questions they could ask a vendor that was under evaluation (of course,...
Use Case: In today’s business environment, more than ever, it’s simply not good enough to be average. Organizations of all sizes have to strive to create competitive advantages, understand trends and gain better insight into operational efficiency. One of the most useful techniques to... We recently completed a survey on the key priorities for executives in 2013 as it relates to any application that requires the use of metadata. The respondents included our clients as well as the broader...
The signs are unmistakable. Tagging is how we keep our priorities straight and even how we define the contours of our online profiles. Labeling the buckets is finally out of the shadows. These are not closet organizers. These are our virtual neighbors who don’t manage information for a living....
“Gartner predicts by 2016, 20% of CIOs in regulated industries will lose their jobs for failing to implement the discipline of information governance successfully.” Houston, we have a metadata problem. And search is broken but when was it ever fixed? Tagging is the...
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After watching an episode of Hoarders, I realized that there are many of those people (and whole departments) strewn throughout organizations across the world collecting and storing files for years and years even though nobody will ever look at them again. These people are clogging up SharePoint...
Recently, a very simple decision saved us a lot of development work, in a way that was good for my project list but bad for my blog. We had just wired up a pretty useful management dashboard, and up until the day we demonstrated it, we were under the impression that the “management”...
I mean, for crying out loud, it's just a TV show! I mean, look at you, look at the way you're dressed! You've turned an enjoyable little job, that I did as a lark for a few years, into a COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME! That's the voice of William Shatner in a 1986 Saturday...
The proliferation of Social Networking applications is introducing a wave of acceptance for content tagging. In some cases, this content is automated (Apple’s photo recognition); however, more commonly, the tagging is coming by virtue of active social tagging. For example, Linked In,...
One of my clients is upgrading their My Sites to SharePoint 2010 prior to upgrading collaboration sites. So their users will be living in two versions of SharePoint for a while. This seems like a perfect use case for SharePoint 2010’s new social bookmarking features. Microsoft...
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