Over the last few years, mass adoption of mobile devices at workplace has become one of the most dominant trends in Australian businesses. Considering the turbulent adoption rates in both personal and business settings, it is unsurprising that organizations saw both internal and external...
Introduction (BYOD | MDM) Remote workers and internal or onsite workers empowered with “ bring your own device ” (BYOD) policies can push the boundaries of IT and the typical IT-driven culture. A lot of IT organizations are playing catch-up around governance and their...
Working together is hard enough when everyone is in the same room; working on ideas together on a whiteboard. Throw in egos and culture and conflicting schedules and workloads and it gets even harder. Now, add in a dispersed workforce and content spread across shared files (c’mon, you know...
Missed AIIM 2014? Or did you just miss out on a session or three you wanted to see? In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing many of the presentations with you. Actionable advice and thought leadership brought to you by some of the smartest people in the information technology industry. Doug...
Missed AIIM 2014? Or did you just miss out on a session or three you wanted to see? In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing many of the presentations with you. Actionable advice and thought leadership brought to you by some of the smartest people in the information technology industry. First up...
Missed AIIM 2014? Or did you just miss out on a session or three you wanted to see? In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing many of the presentations with you. Actionable advice and thought leadership brought to you by some of the smartest people in the information technology industry. Thornton...
Smart phones keep getting smarter, tablet computers now run at dizzying speeds, and the Cloud that links them all is seemingly limitless. 83% of Americans currently own a mobile phone and within two years, one-third of all US adults are expected to own a tablet computer. Mobile document...
I know this post is a bit late, but as the old saying goes..better late than never. Let’s just stay I had too much fun at the AIIM Conference Party and Awards Ceremony. So without further a do, here are my key takeaways from AIIM Day 2. Keynote Address - Don’t Blow...
Does your business have a strategy for mobile collaboration? Or maybe you’re about to create one? Are you looking to select a new suite of collaboration tools to support mobile working… or maybe you’re in the midst of a roll-out and have something to say about the tools you...
Once again I raise my opinionated head to write something just before the big show. Of course the big show I refer to in this instance is none other than SharePoint Conference 2014 (SPC 2014). On the topic of big I wanted to discuss something I have been discussing for the last seven years:...
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