So, what happened in search in the last 15 years, nothing? Is search dead, or is search now a commodity or embedded functionality?
How much does it take to define the right search fit for your organization?
As we look toward 2011, one of the top projects on many of our clients’ agendas is enterprise search. Candidly, search capabilities have been available for many years, and nearly every organization we consult for has one or more systems in place for search
Data Content Types - Search needs to support the ability to search a wide range of content types include: Text - documents, spreadsheets, etc
The idea of “Enterprise Search” is an attractive one
Again and again, clients engage us to help them develop a strategy for their enterprise search requirements. When we sit down to talk with their users – people who regularly run Google and Bing searches out on the web – the question never fails to come up: What makes enterprise search so difficult, when it’s so simple on the public Internet?
Start with Legal Hold (identification), collection, processing, early case assessment and legal production...How can you use early case assessments to your benefit?
From a technical or disk-space-saving point of view, it is not difficult to archive emails, but when e-discovery and early case assessment become a reality and deadlines are imposed on your organization, even products from recognized email-archiving leaders can come with serious problems. For example, exploratory search for early case assessment and processing large collections of email in a defensible and auditable way can be a significant challenge
At the most basic level enterprise search has become inadequate. Bells and whistles abound but the unsolved problem still exists. Search cannot find and deliver relevant information in the right context, at the right time. This laissez-faire approach, starting with executive management on down, illustrates the inability of organizations to elevate search to a key component and critical enabler for improving business outcomes
The risk is when a brand like “Google” becomes synonymous with “search” because there are varying degrees of search technology
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