Organizations can even be fully aware of the benefits of good records management but feel that setting up a formal and committed records management structure is a hassle and that the benefits don’t outweigh the costs or effort involved
By on June 4, 2013 in We’ve got quite a bit of experience solving challenges in SharePoint. One of them is Records Management. Why?
I am for the record. I never categorized my work in records as part and parcel of Knowledge Management—it seemed disloyal. I dismissed Knowledge Management as a pseudonym (in my eyes, at least) for a better term: Records and Information Management
Today, AIIM hosted a tweet chat, tag #ECMJam, to discuss Content Management. Last time we focused on the Relevancy of ECM, but today we focused on the intersection of ECM and Social Media
IT departments understand Records Management (RM) and strive for good Knowledge Management (KM) as a strategic part of the business value, making their lives much easier
Granted, a big challenge with ESI records management systems is that users often don’t like them and don’t use them. E-mail archiving, for example, is often postponed “until tomorrow”, which then becomes the first day of the end of the records management initiative
How do you plan a successful information management solution implementation?...In AIIM's Electronic Records Management and Enterprise Content Management master courses , we spend four whole days discussing these concepts
Conservation and management of unstructured content is primarily an enterprise project, but individually we also have to "deal" with the continuous daily flow of information or "disconnect" sometimes!
Because, isn’t Knowledge Management all about valuating, organizing, categorizing, sharing and reusing information?
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