
Does Enterprise 2.0 need Output Management?

By Claude SUPER posted 10-12-2010 10:38



There is no longer a day, a conference, a note, which refers to the enterprise 2.0 and the tremendous changes that will made from collaborative applications, augmented reality, production in the cloud, etc.,.


Beyond the enthusiasm, we must "keep a cool head" and we mistrust our capacity to marvel very quickly and how naive we can be regarding new technology.


Promises and reality


The model 2.0 holds much promise, but the reality is that today few companies have implemented and that many questions remain unanswered or a lot are still discovered during the testing phases in progress in some organizations.


Sorry to play spoilsport, but nobody wants to live in the "Brave New World", and we are still far from having available the right solutions in production and relevant feedbacks which will make us move faster .


Our reality is easier to describe but incredibly complicated to face:
we have to manage, to ingest and to digest too much information daily!


Conservation and management of unstructured content is primarily an enterprise project, but individually we also have to "deal" with the continuous daily flow of information or "disconnect" sometimes!


There are of course those of us who have more method, those who know better the use of tools and applications, those who do not care, those who flutter, those ....., etc..


The reality is that there is a lot of dysfunction in information processing and in communication both internally and externally to the organization (customer service, customer relations, claims management, HR services.. etc.,).

Today, we all expect high quality and timely response, but it seems that due to the volume the treatment is lengthened anyway (despite business process automation attempts)!



Set priorities and find practical solutions


We receive too many emails (and I do not count those who confuse email and instant messaging) that we do not always perceive the value as certain uses have become unbearable
(I mean the internal spamming = automatic watering to proof
1) that he/she exists,
2) that he/she works [and later on weekends],
3) that he/she's essential for the organization,
4) ....).


The implementation of notification systems instead of email is probably one of the solutions, but if it facilitates exchanges internally and in the ecosystem of the organization, it is more difficult to implement in the context of certain relationships (eg customers ).


Enterprise 2.0 plays with the immediacy and easy of access to information "by adding" the possibility to participate actively in some processes previously reserved to few access rights holders!


However, there are areas (including customer relationship but also for internal communication with board members or executive level) who require much more than a collaborative space and notifications


Is Output Management back?


No, Output Management has never ceased to support organizations in their business and their decisions processes!

It is a key area to serve organizations that allows them to simply implement a communication made of relevant and high quality content with recipients.


Thus, in response to the needs of communication previously based on printings, Output Management has contributed to the enhancement of the VALUE of content by improving the format.


Today's OM solutions support all distribution channels (web portal, mail, email, smartphone, tablets, private and public collaborative spaces, social networks) and make the push mode particularly effective also when it comes to communicating information that is not a "snapshot".


With Output Management technologies and a serious assessment of its information and content, the enterprise 2.0 promotes and perpetuates (for a period shorter or longer) its information capital (including data and metadata) through media dematerialized (sometimes also printed).


It also allows recipients to "take time" for analysis and thought around considerations and information "frozen" in reports.


The Output Management allows the synthesis and bring a "respiration time" in the "mining" and understanding of data (business intelligence) while being at the heart of the strategy for information governance.

#DOM #RIM #outputmanagement #informationmanagement #InformationGovernance #Records-Management #enterprise2.0 #ECM #ecmstrategy #bestpractice
