
Drowning in SharePoint Records Management? Here’s a life boat:

By Cate Evans posted 06-19-2013 09:22


Do you want to deploy SharePoint as your records management solution? Maybe yes and maybe the answer is no. In either case, the rough seas of records management will continue to swell unless the most basic problem is addressed – automatically tagging and identifying documents of record. To that I may add accurately and in synch with the organization’s controlled vocabulary.

How is this accomplished? It allows records managers to automatically prepare content for records management in certified RM platforms by aligning controlled vocabularies to records retention codes and automatically declaring documents of record in SharePoint via the automatic application of records retention code metadata. Once appropriate records retention codes are applied they can be used by the Records Center, Document, FileNet, LiveLink, or any other records management platform to store, preserve, and destroy documents of record in accordance with compliance and legal guidelines.

We to not deliver a records management solution, only work in conjunction with other records management applications. The value, of course, is to eliminate end user tagging and using workflows, process the content correctly. What’s the value in SharePoint? Simultaneous and bi-directional native integration with the term store.

How do you overcome the challenge of end user tagging?

#EnterpriseMetadataManagement #InformationGovernance #Records-Management #SharePoint #sharepoint2013 #sharepoint #ElectronicRecordsManagement
