Last month, Cheryl McKinnon brought up an excellent point when looking at ECM technology vendors and when you evaluate your existing technology- vendor lock in isn't the issue, content lock in is
After all, the networks and desktops are locked down tight right? In actual fact I’ll bet they are locked down so tight people can barely get any work done and it takes months in costly project over-runs to get anything done due to the complexity of setting up network security , Web filters, reverse proxies, etc
Well here we are in 2011, not only a new year but a new decade and I wish for all of you, the very best for the future
I like the multiple columns and the ability to quickly look at hashtags I’m interested in. Built-in analytics
2 Comments - I found great affirmation in #4 where you state, "share more than you spout off about your own company or genius theories."
If you look back even 18 to 24 months in the past, the focus was to classify every artifact within our enterprise platform using detailed metadata, structured taxonomies and content types, and expansive architectures and topologies that would allow us more powerful and flexible search options -- all in an effort to identify content and expertise hidden within our rapidly growing content stores. That model has been turned on its head. In our drive to get more of our content management investments, and, more importantly, to get our end users to more actively participate in the process, we turned to social collaboration
3 Comments - At Salem our lifecycle has social built in at a sub modular level so that it underpins everything, as and if desired but I can only imagine the new social-focus may be a bitter pill for some to swallow and will take another cycle (3 years) to move towards - the word 'unstructured' as with the word 'social' may better be re-termed to be less frightening and more embracing for a wider potential stakeholder audience
One of the best parts of participating in the Executive Leadership Council (ELC) sessions is the opportunity to discuss big ideas and, let's be honest -- to also dig into rumor and speculation about what we'll see in the near (and distant) future from the major platform and OEM players that make up the backbone of the ECM space
1 Comment - Nintex will be a runaway leader with social actions in Nintex 365, even being able to push to Wordpress as external publishing platforms. We're already playing with custom hashtags in a Yammer post triggering child workflows within SP 2013 in O365
An old Chinese curse is said to say, “My you live in interesting times!” By my calculation, we already do, but not in the ways you think
The traditional hierarchies and silos of communication in organizations worldwide are crumbling...The gate keepers responsible for locking knowledge away on their laptops, in their inboxes, or in a mountain of paperwork, are removed
But this isn’t what the label says, and while the imprecise language here is amusing, it is not a potential business risk. In the context of records retention, however, such inexactitude can be highly problematic...And kept where, and in what format?
Is 2011 just another synonym for moving in your shop to SharePoint 2010? Have you been in stealth mode all along?
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