
Enterprise 2.0: Transforming your workforce into a global pool of talent

By Andy McLoughlin posted 07-29-2011 14:57


The traditional hierarchies and silos of communication in organizations worldwide are crumbling. SaaS is coming of age and, as concerns around security, control and uptime subside, the social and enterprise worlds are colliding.

Organizations are now waking up to the fact that social business software isn’t a case of shoehorning tools, such as Twitter and Facebook, into the corporate environment. It is about taking the simplicity, flexibility and intuitive elements of these social tools and combining them with the enterprise-grade security and feature sets required by businesses.

As adoption of social business software across enterprises increases, organizational boundaries start to blur. Not only do the silos of communications that have developed within office walls start to deteriorate, the communication barriers that sit between organizations are overcome.

The fragmented and red-tape-ridden flow of information within businesses, which has been nurtured by legacy, inward-looking technology, is becoming a thing of the past. Enterprise-grade web 2.0 tools are enabling information and content to flow freely and efficiently across companies. The gate keepers responsible for locking knowledge away on their laptops, in their inboxes, or in a mountain of paperwork, are removed. External consultants, customers, partners and suppliers can instantly access relevant project or campaign materials and no longer have to wait for files saved on desktops and shared drives to be emailed to them.

Supported by SaaS tools, you have a group of people working together effectively, regardless of whether they’re in the same department, company, country or continent.  Thanks to wiki-style whiteboards, discussion forums, instant messaging tools and user profiles, everyone - from the senior management team to interns - has a chance to contribute to projects and have their voice heard. No longer restricted to the people on their team, managers can select the best people for a job from a global pool of talent. Expertise can de drawn on from across their entire business ecosystem. Regardless of where an individual is located, what their job title is or what department they’re in, managers can select the best person for the job. People’s skill set becomes the defining factor in what projects they work on and not how long they’ve been at a company.

Robert Burns, Executive Director of Information Technology at digital marketing agency AKQA, which has more than 900 employees across seven offices, explains:  “As a global creative agency, we assign multiple teams on a project regardless of which office they are based in. We treat our employees as a global talent pool. For example, in one campaign, the creative team could be based in Washington D.C. and the technology team in London. Huddle enables us to keep track of projects in real-time, view client feedback and clearly identify final proofs.”

As well as providing employees with new opportunities, Enterprise 2.0 gives managers full transparency of who is contributing to a project, how a project is progressing and what milestones have been reached.

The Enterprise 2.0 enabled organization values knowledge and expertise. It is an open, fluid business ecosystem that maximizes productivity,  improves efficiency and gives everyone a chance to play a part.


#enterprise2.0 #cloud #ContentManagement #Socialsoftware #Collaboration
