One critical success factor? WYSIWYG 2.0 gets my knod . If those tentative steps off the social business platform are any indication the number one confronting our reluctant late-comers is not about brushing up on the latest apps and features but preening and probing in that new hall of mirrors: What can you see that I don't?
It is more than a week without a new article on Enterprise 2.0, collaboration, enterprise social networking, corporate social business, etc
The consulting firm Booz | Allen | Hamilton gets a lot of well deserved attention for their use of Enterprise 2.0 to extend the usefulness of their intranet , Hello.bah. They're mainstays at the Enterprise 2.0 conferences and one of the great success stories
One of the biggest changes brought by enterprise 2.0 is the ability for employees to identify each other, build communties where they could share their experience, solve problems and seamlessly improve their skills
These last days I attended the famous Enterprise 2.0 conference and my experience was like a learning journey since, from the first to the last day, I have the impression to have traveled from the "it's about people" world to the "people are employees" one. To make it short, my very first session was a brilliant workshop about best practices in E20 adoption led by the 2.0 adoption council and the last was a session also ran by the Council where attendees could express which of their expectations were not met by the conference agenda
Last night, while flying home from the Enterprise 2.0 Conference - Santa Clara , I thought about all of the sessions I attended, the people I spoke with, the demos I watched, and I kept thinking back to something that Dawn Lacallade said in her presentation on Wednesday afternoon: "If you want your Enterprise 2.0 efforts to be successful, you have to use words other people understand and care about
I’ve written before about the need to start talking about failures at conferences so that others may learn, so that’s why I was excited to attend Kevin Jones ‘ presentation, “Enterprise 2.0 Failures – And What We Learn From Them,” yesterday at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference here in Boston. Kevin is a Social Media & Network Strategist/Manager at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, and he gave us several “ways to fail” at Enterprise 2.0 based on his experiences at NASA
One of the lessons from the last Enterprise 2.0 conference was the new focus on metrics and business processes . The reason is quite simple : many of enterprise 2.0 successful early adopters started with the assumption that this was the way things should be so their point was not to know why to change but how to get rid of their past unproductive situation
Whether we talk about Systems of Engagement, collaboration, next generation intranets or Enterprise 2.0, organizations are recognizing the growth of social business applications
Department of Energy, September 2010 Link (PDF) “Guidance on Social Networking”, Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records, June 2010 Link (PDF) NARA Bulletin 2011-02, “Guidance on Managing Records in Web 2.0/Social Media Platforms”, October 2010 Link “A Report on Federal Web 2.0 Use and Value”, National Archives and Records Administration, 2010 Link (PDF) Compliance Building Social Media Policies Database Link 57 Social Media Policy Examples and Resources Link Web 2.0 Governance Policies and Best Practices Link Social Media Governance policy database Link “Analysis of Social Media Policies: Lessons and Best Practices”, Chris Boudreaux, December 2009 Link #web2.0 #ERM #socialmedia #ElectronicRecordsManagement #SocialBusiness #Records-Management
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