ECM: our classic publication ECM Enterprise Content Management, Ulrich Kampffmeyer, PROJECT CONSULT 2006, ISBN 3-936534-09-8. The print version is no longer available, but the electronic version is a hit! In July 2014 it passed the 50,000 reads barrier. The trilingual...
Overview: SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 Web Content Management (WCM) Deep-Dive EPC Group’s SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 information architecture consultants have recently worked on a large number of enterprise SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 initiatives with a strong...
How often does this happen to you ? You are on the go, you need to check out a web site of a public administration or a company because you need information only available from them directly. You use your mobile phone to browse the site as this is what you have with you, only to discover that...
I am seeing a change in the way CMS solutions are being conceptualized and are being implemented. Some of the key observations from my experiences with customers, partners and consumers: CIO (IT) and CMO (Marketing) organizations are conceptualizing the needs (not necessarily the...
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With the web just turning 20 a few days ago , and the first website ever back online , I thought it would be a good time to reflect how far web technology has come. From the basic hand coded HTML 1.0 web pages to complex WCMs managing thousands of pages in near-real time...
Back in the mid-1990's I went to work for the phone company as a technical project manager, managing many of the front-end applications into our data warehouses, and at one point was tasked with building out a team portal and working with our technical writing team to move all essential...
Last week I had the opportunity to participate in CMSExpo – a conference that brings together web developers, designers, content strategists and project managers. These information professionals represented organizations ranging from huge US Federal agencies to small boutique consulting...
Welcome to my new AIIM blog. Before I get into our main subject, I'd quickly like to introduce myself, and what I hope to achieve while writing for the AIIM community. My name is Serge Huber. I am the co-founder and CTO of Jahia Solutions , a company started in Switzerland and that...
It was about six months ago when a friend of mine from Microsoft told me a story where he had been in a room with all of the established ECM solution vendors as well as some of the newer Cloud file-sharing vendors. He told me of a moment during this event where one of those Cloud vendors...
If something of value is in short supply you will tend to conserve it. That turns out to be true of your capacity to deal with alternatives, make decisions and even to sustain your efforts at tasks.These finding have profound implications for enterprise content management (ECM). ...
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