Creating a new Publishing Site in Office 365’s SharePoint Online A ll the Publishing sites contain a “404 \ Not Found” page named “PageNotFoundError .aspx” which resides in the Pages library, as shown in image below, which you can find by clicking on Site Contents. You can then open the “PageNotFoundError .aspx” and edited to meet your organization’s specific needs. The Page library in Office 365’s SharePoint Online SharePoint 2013 and Office 365’s SharePoint Online also contains a new Error Page content type which can be located in the Site Content Types Gallery, as shown in the image below
I am seeing a change in the way CMS solutions are being conceptualized and are being implemented
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
It was about six months ago when a friend of mine from Microsoft told me a story where he had been in a room with all of the established ECM solution vendors as well as some of the newer Cloud file-sharing vendors
Last week I had the opportunity to participate in CMSExpo – a conference that brings together web developers, designers, content strategists and project managers. These information professionals represented organizations ranging from huge US Federal agencies to small boutique consulting shops and a range of universities, non-profits, regulated industries in between
1 Comment - When I was developing and providing services on my own web CMS years before HTML5, I designed with mobile and PC both in mind and was able to dynamically optimize and deliver client web pages to mobile devices without the need for a clunky app
If something of value is in short supply you will tend to conserve it
When I was still an engineering student (at EPFL , not far from CERN where the web was born), back in 1993, I was very interested in a computer network I was hearing a lot about: the Internet. At the time Tim Berners Lee 's work was still not published and clearly in its infancy, but there was already a lot of activity in school networks, particularly around IRC, the Internet Relay Chat systems as well as in Usenet newsgroups
Nowadays I'm really interested in analyzing and contributing to the world of social, web and mobile technologies. Of course in my line of work I touch pretty much to everything that goes through an HTTP protocol, so at times I might talk about more varied topics
So you might be wondering what is the best way to design mobile content delivery ? Well in short: don’t put less content on your mobile site, simply present it differently
The print version is no longer available, but the electronic version is a hit! In July 2014 it passed the 50,000 reads barrier
At my first startup (my own company, which I co-founded while in business school), we attempted to create a knowledge management platform that used software configuration management software as its core, allowing us to build very complex databases of connected data points. The idea was to help organizations identify patterns in their work, more readily share content and experience based on those patterns, and then automate business process management -- all in the name of improving collaboration
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