A very good project manager requires thorough and effective skills so that you can execute their tasks effectively, but there are many areas you can particularly pay attention to further improve your skill to undertake your duties. One of the many qualities of a project manager would be...
The business market is dependent on understanding and increasing, but active engagement is very important to draw the harvest. Discovering and fixing the issues that arise within and outside of the corporation is vital to uplift business productivity. If you are considering transform your...
“According to Microsoft market research, 78 percent of the Fortune 500 companies are SharePoint users.” With such an impressive user base, it’s easy to recognize SharePoint as an essential business tool used within most organizations today. When it comes to compliance the...
[Preface: Policy and Procedure Management-A lot Like Dating & “Policy Distribution- Ready to Meet the Parents?” ] The Ultimate Commitment Once you’ve created, reviewed and distributed company policies and procedures you have reached the last phase...
[preface: "Policy Management, A lot Like Dating" Creation-Part I] “The Next Step” Like in most healthy and sustainable relationships, the policy and procedure process needs to progress to the “next level.” After careful planning, drafting and...
Policy and Procedure Management-A lot Like Dating Creation-Part I Although the main objectives are always pretty simple, policy and procedure management is a complicated task and often times can be difficult to fully grasp and understand. Keeping up with your company’s...
Over the last 2 years - whilst helping customers benefit from DocRead for SharePoint - we have discussed the management of policies and procedures (within SharePoint) on several occasions. We have found that some organizations are really struggling to understand how SharePoint can help them...
DocRead for SharePoint is the only policy management software that integrates straight into SharePoint and allows compliance professionals to distribute and track their policies and procedures. As part of an on-going series of posts illustrating how SharePoint can help manage the life...
As part of an on-going series of posts illustrating how SharePoint can help manage the life-cycle of a policy, this post explains how SharePoint can meet the requirement below: " It should be possible to find a policy in seconds ". To view all of the features for a policy management system...
As part of an on-going series of posts illustrating how SharePoint can help manage the life-cycle of a policy, this post explains how SharePoint can meet the requirement below: " It should be possible to tag and classify a policy to make it more discoverable ". To view all of the...
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