The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has broad authority to exclude a healthcare organization from participating in federal healthcare programs (e.g
They tell stories of fear, love, triumph, tragedy, and adventure
Some claim it’s renewable, it’s clutter, it’s a major cause of pollution or it’s nostalgic
1 Comment - The paper goes from clients and vendors (by scan, email, web form or fax) to our system, they name and manage the work flow for a flat rate of $97 a week including hand naming pages
One announcement forecasts the future – "We're committed to another on-premises release of SharePoint Server
3 Comments - An overwhelming majority of the sessions offered at the conference were O365-centric...This is a clear indication of how Microsoft wants you to be thinking...It is only a matter of time before those new features become cloud-only
When I was still a student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) , I had to write some long technical reports, and at the time the recommended weapon of choice was FrameMaker (before Adobe bought it :))
Is the office of the future really going to be paperless?...A few paper facts: Americans discard 4 million tons of paper every year. The average American uses 650 pounds of paper a year
A high-level overview of the SharePoint App Model Overview of Hosting Architecture for Apps The overall options to a developer have widened and the use of HTML has become prevalent in achieving development requests of end users and the business In this post, EPC Group will discuss the new SharePoint app and related APIs in the following sections including security and identity management elements such as OData (e.g
Overview of SharePoint 2013's Crawl Component Note: Microsoft is planning to release a new product by the name of Oslo whose goals is to tie together search silos into once centralized manner
Earlier this same day I was online showing my 2 year-old daughter classic Sesame Street videos and one of my all-time favorites came up, “ One of these things is not like the other!
What I found in quick searches were half a dozen vendors. In deeper dives of specific solutions I found dozens of vendors
2 Comments - That's where the view of the big picture of Information Governance is getting lost
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