Gartner released their 2 nd annual Enterprise File Sync & Share Magic Quadrant (EFSS MQ) recently (2015-07-22). Coincidentally, this is my 2 nd annual post taking issue with it. It’s not that I’m denying the existence of vendors that provide EFSS capabilities, I just don’t think that...
With some weddings looming on our family calendar, my wife took to encouraging me to buy a new suit . Now, I’m usually quite happy for my wife to buy me clothes as she has much better taste than me. However, a suit is something a bit different. It’s a more expensive purchase, I...
Gartner released 2012 Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management (WCM) sometime back and the next in line will be MQ for ECM. While the WCM player's positioning remains pretty much the same compare to 2011 report, it was quite surprising to see a sudden drop in the rating of Autonomy after...
“Gartner predicts by 2016, 20% of CIOs in regulated industries will lose their jobs for failing to implement the discipline of information governance successfully.” Houston, we have a metadata problem. And search is broken but when was it ever fixed? Tagging is the...
2 Comments - no search term matches found in comments.
Gartner recently came out with its top predictions for 2012 , highlighting “how the control of technology and technology-driven decisions is shifting out of the hands of IT organizations.” Analysts Daryl Plummer and Peter Middleton write that “the forces of cloud computing, social media and...
I have a confession to make. When I was graduating from high school back in the 90s, I was asked a bunch of questions about the future. One of them was, “Will cellular phones replace land lines?” I answered, “No, never.” Today, of course, I haven’t had a land...
In my last blog, ECM Vendors Go to War ( ) , it was brought up that upgrades to existing ECRM (CMS) systems will accelerate in the near future. This bodes well for vendors and service providers, but is this really in the best...
I have had extensive experience in all phases of information systems development, including strategic planning, architecture design and implementation, document analysis and architecture, business and situation analysis, and data architecture. Prior to joining Perficient, I was the ECM Practice...
With this article I make my debut as a contributor to the blogosphere. Earlier this year I joined the AIIM Board of Directors, with an objective to increase the representation of ECM end-users on the Board, as well as to offer perspective from the mid-market financial institution viewpoint. In...
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