Since I work with electronic forms daily, one of the main questions that is asked by our customers is "what about the physical paper signature?". Since going paperless means not making paper, here are 8 reasons why you should abandon paper signatures forever. 1. The law...
I’m often asked if it is OK to eliminate paper entirely from a record-keeping process and JUST maintain electronic records
The analysis may reveal that converting to digital record-keeping and eliminating paper in these cases would provide major financial benefits without incurring unreasonable risk
The iPad is the perfect device to help eliminate paper, capture information, streamline your electronic forms, and look cool while doing it
MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES AND INDEPENDENT AGENCIES From OMB and NARA, August 24, 2012 SUBJECT: Managing Government Records Directive This Directive requires that to the fullest extent possible, agencies eliminate paper and use electronic recordkeeping
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What are the low hanging fruit use cases for eliminating paper in the beginning?
If you want to automate your business processes and eliminate paper, you can. However, despite success and rapidly decreasing complexity (at least for smaller rollouts, a properly implemented capture solution is HARD -- you have to worry about things like paper dust in high-volume implementations
When augmenting these purchase drivers, we see an overall push to minimize – or even eliminate -- paper as quickly as possible
What happens when we eliminate paper to transfer information from one out-basket to the next in-basket for white collar work in government and private enterprises?
” Recognizing this is the case, references are also made that there is a requirement to eliminate paper use and move to electronic recordkeeping wherever possible, including email, which is to be maintained in an “accessible” electronic format
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