This excerpt also summarizes: • What is Information Governance? • The digital landfill problem • The “systems of engagement” fragmentation problem • The discovery problem #IG #InformationGovernance #starterguide #Doculabs #ElectronicRecordsManagement #information governance
Run on his blog, Digital Landfill, they were popular, allowed us to create a series of ebooks (before ebooks were cool), and broadened the perspectives of those who read at least a few of the posts and/or subsequent ebooks
The excerpt is from AIIM’s new Industry Watch -- Big Data - Extracting Value from your Digital Landfill . Download the report for free
I found a post on Digital Landfill from back in 2013 that talked about the history of AIIM and the National Microfilm Association that started in 1950...From here, the Digital Landfill post takes the story
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These are still very real issues that are surfacing even more rapidly as legislation and regulatory changes take hold, discovery challenges are presented in times of litigation and audit and the explosion of content filling corporate digital landfills makes delivery of the right information to the right people at the right time a monumental task. Many organizations attempt to meet this challenge my applying technology without properly identifying the business requirements and problems to be addressed eventually coming to the realization that technology for the sake of technology does not work and the result of their efforts to eliminate the digital landfill is the creation of a digital dumpster where finding information is still a major challenge
Meanwhile, over on John Mancini’s great Digital Landfill blog , Lubor Ptacek predicted that 2013 will be the year that IT will Strike Back
We can't afford office workers wasting time on wading through digital landfills to find important information or losing knowledge when staff leaves or retires
The idea of SharePoint is to help organizations get control not lose control; to move from the unstructured, digital landfill of multiple network drives to a single source of truth for the organization
Then they point out that what they have witnessed is the migration from a “digital landfill” – shared network drives and local hard drives – to a “digital dumpster” where the information is contained but still not findable and certainly not cleansed
Email, rapidly expanding digital landfills and lack of proper governance and structure are all issues most organizations are struggling to correct
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