MoReq 2010 Consultation Portal Launched Request for contributions To participate register at MoReq 2010 project The DLM Forum has begun an intensive work programme to update MoReq, model requirements for the management of electronic records
An Inforesight Management Paper The MoReq2010 project is now in progress. MoReq2010, a brand new version of MoReq, is due to replace MoReq2. But the project is running late. We don’t know when MoReq2010 will be fully available, we don’t know what it will contain, and we don...
The consultation for the (nearly) complete draft of MoReq2010 closed on 26th December. Only 25 people (approximately) submitted comments, including hundreds of comments submitted in a rush on the last three days - over Christmas. Most observers would agree that such a small number of...
Don’t tell anyone: MoReq2010 has at last been published. I say ‘don’t tell anyone because’ the DLM Forum (its publisher) seems to be keeping it quiet. In its most bizarre move yet, the DLM Forum has published MoReq2010 – but without a big splash to tell people....
Just in time for its meeting in Brussels starting tomorrow, the DLM Forum published yesterday (Sunday 14 November 2010) a newsletter about MoReq2010. It explains that the MoReq2010 consultation draft will be published on 16 November (or maybe 18 November, depending on which page you read); and...
This is particularly noticeable when it is compared with others such as MoReq 2010, ISO 16175 and the Object Management Group’s Records Management Services (RMS) specification. For MoReq 2010, I can only assume that it is the “NIH” factor (not the federal health institute) that keeps it out of wider adoption and even serious discussion in the US
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In my recent blog post I wrote about the advances concerning MoReq, specifically MoReq2010. The picture was not all brightness and light. It made me think about the DLM Forum – the organisation that brought you MoReq. And I concluded that the DLM Forum's picture is almost all dark...
Lots of news about MoReq2010 following the DLM Forum’s triennial conference in Brussels (Belgium) this week (12 to 14 December 2011). SOFTWARE TESTING PROGRAMME The DLM Forum has launched its testing programme for MoReq2010. There are two main aspects to this...
The MoReq2010 project continues to miss its delivery dates. Is this good news, or does it simply result from poor project management? The background is that the MoReq2010 project is way behind schedule – and it seems to be slipping further and further with every passing week. From...
The long awaited MoReq2010 was officially announced this week by the DLM-Forum and can be downloaded from . There are some fascinating and revolutionary new concepts within the specification that should set it apart from any of the other standards that...
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