I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has heard AIIM President and CEO John Mancini give a presentation in which he has predicted the decline and eventual demise of email as a business communication tool
This week we meet John Mancini, President, CEO and leader extraordinaire
John Mancini is the CEO of AIIM
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Recently we had a chance to talk with John Mancini, President and CEO of AIIM, and hear his candid thoughts on some of the business world's most pressing issues today
Info360 Keynote by AIIM President John Mancini View more presentations from John Mancini #systemsofrecord #digitaldivide #ElectronicRecordsManagement #systemsofengagement #SocialBusiness #SharePoint #paper #ScanningandCapture
Here's a video of a panel discussion with John Mancini (AIIM), Cengiz Satir (IBM), David Jenness (IBM), and me
Here's AIIM's description of the event: AIIM President, John Mancini, subject-matter-experts, and your peers will come together to learn how to: Automate core records management processes Reduce litigation costs, risks, and storage costs by responsibly getting rid of everything that has no business value Tap into the advantages of social systems without increasing business risk There's no charge to attend the seminar, you don't need to be a member, and you'll join local organizations like Abbott Laboratories, Allstate, American Hotel Register, Argonne National Laboratory, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Chicago Housing Authority, City of Chicago, DePaul University, GE, Grainger, Harley-Davidson, Northwestern Mutual, VW Credit and many more
" Immediately when I heard about this I thought about John Mancini's Occupy IT Manifesto
Joe Shepley published a good piece on his vision for Second Wave ECM and AIIM's fearless leader John Mancini shares his thoughts in a recent YouTube video . There are enormous opportunities in ECM (cloud computing, continued data proliferation, Enterprise 2.0) and significant challenges, including significant debate on the definition of Enterprise Content Management itself. John Mancini says that "ECM as a term is stressed", which tells me that even AIIM is thinking about the future of this acronym
Who knows, maybe you actually can teach an old dog new tricks! So, I re-read John Mancini’s “OccupyIT” report and Geoffrey Moore’s “A Sea of Change in Enterprise IT,” as well as attended the AIIM Webinar Wednesday by John Mancini and Sid Probstein, CTO-Attivio
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