
Meet the AIIM Team- John Mancini

By Felicia Dillard posted 05-30-2014 13:28


Behind the AIIM logo is a group of passionate and dedicated professionals focused on serving our wonderful community of information professionals.

Together, we are AIIM!

This week we meet John Mancini, President, CEO and leader extraordinaire. He has worked at AIIM since May 1996, 18 years overseeing a sea of change and forging AIIM’s future. He is an author, speaker, leader, and catalyst for change. More importantly John is highly respected by his loyal team for his down-to-earth personality and “open door” policy.

John was born in Sunnyside, Queens, New York City and is one of six kids, all of whom have names beginning with J. He grew up in Northern New Jersey, spending the most time in Wyckoff. He now lives in Herndon, Virginia and celebrates life with his lovely wife Mary Glenn, children Joey, William, Erin and daughter-in-law, Jackie. He is a recent grandfather and very proud of his little “peanut”, Lucy. Let’s meet John.


Twitter: @jmancini77


What do you do and what do you love about it?

After 18 years, I have a weird fascination with the world of content and information technologies and the people and organizations who share this curious passion. An aspect that I really admire about AIIM, also one that can be frustrating at times, is that it is a place to talk about the latest technology, and yet it rests upon a foundation of people and collective experiences that go back 70 years.

Describe yourself using 3 words only.

Loyal. Funny. Curious.

What are you proudest of?

Work - helping keep an organization that didn’t even know what the internet was when I arrived alive and relevant in the face of 18 years of massive technology change. Real life - being married to the best person I know for over 33 years, having kids, a daughter-in-law, and a grandchild that make me proud and smile every day.

What movie, no matter how many times you’ve seen it, do you have to watch when it is on?

Field of Dreams

Summer or Winter?

Fall and Spring, but if I have to choose, Summer

Favorite Color?


What do you do for fun?

I’m a hardcore baseball fan, most particularly the Washington Nationals. Oh, and I’ve been to so many Northern Virginia wineries it’s embarrassing.

#AIIM #EnterpriseContentManagement #AIIMTEAMROCKS
