About Document Intelligence for the Enterprise - Shinydocs Corporation enables the digital enterprise by leveraging modern artificial intelligence and machine learning to manage 100% of enterprise data. With the best AI auto-classification and a “user-first” methodology, Shinydocs’ goal is to...
About At Microsoft, we’re committed to helping you innovate, compete, and grow. With solutions that span consumer and business technology and extend from the datacenter to the desktop to other devices and into the cloud, we offer you the flexibility to use the technology that’s right for your...
About Information is the lifeblood of the enterprise and it must be managed to ensure compliance, security, and usability. It is one of your most valuable assets, and yet it grows at an unmanageable rate. The continuous expansion of the digital workplace makes it almost impossible to...
About About As enterprise content experts, we help our customers maximize the potential of their information, pairing Microsoft technologies with proprietary industry-leading intelligent migration and information architecture solutions. We help leaders and users to do more than...
Of all the measures of success for information management solution implementations, there is one critical success factor that stands above the rest: user adoption. In other words, your solution is only successful if it is actually used by the people in your organization. User Adoption in...
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Teamwork is like a voyage across the ocean. There are days of quiet water, there are stormy days. To keep the ship afloat, your team should be active, well-coordinated and task-oriented. Navigating in the market ‘ocean’, a modern company is that ship with complex organizational structures,...
At the 2014 Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference, CEO Nadella shared a new vision for the company with a focus on platforms and productivity. For those of us within the SharePoint community, this change of focus was already well underway. With the release of SharePoint 2013, it was announced...
Welcome to my AIIM blog. This is my first post here and I really hope we can connect and share opinions about how organizations rely on collaboration and communication to get work done and achieve compelling results. Today, I want to talk about "Groups" in Office 365 one of the most recent...
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Microsoft is now a couple years into their cloud strategy, moving aggressively to transform their long-dominant consumer and enterprise products and platforms to meet their cloud-first, mobile-first vision of the future. While most would agree that Microsoft is directionally-correct in their...
This is the second case study type thing I’m trying. It’ll likely be the last for a while as I have nothing left that I can publish without getting sued. Ah, the joys of being an independent consultant. Anyways … This case study has to do with the project referenced in the two posts linked...
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