By Martin Garland Auto-classification is a catch all term that will scan the contents of a document and automatically assign categories and keywords based on the document contents. The issue, of course is that not all classification technologies are created equal. The choice remains for...
This post uses 3 stylized Easter Eggs or Nested Russian Dolls to illustrate three related topics: What’s the difference between SharePoint, workflow, and the other varieties of process management? What’s the difference between the varieties of electronic signatures...
These audience questions are from AIIM’s March 6, 2013 webinar; 6 Considerations to Going Mobile. I’d like to thank Webinar speaker Richard Medina, Co-Founder and Principal Consultant of Doculabs, for taking the time to answer these questions. You can also listen to the archived presentation...
Earley & Associates is hosting a webinar on Content Strategy for Healthcare organizations on Wednesday October 3rd at 1:00PM Eastern. Go here to register: Here’s a brief summary of the webinar. ...
The following is a guest blog post by Mark Diamond, CEO of Contoural, Inc. and speaker at an upcoming AIIM Webinar. Join Mark next on February 15 at 2 PM (EST) to: Take the Guesswork Out of Information Governance with Autoclassification The following is a preview of what...
Social business requires change in more than your marketing department, are you ready? There is a fundamental change in how we do business. Driven by the networked communication tools flourishing on the web, tools like YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn, how we communicate with those who benefit...
Two part webinar series on the convergence of records and content management. Session 1: Aligning Records Management and Content Management for Enterprise Efficiency Date & Time: November 9, 2011 @ 1:00PM Eastern Time Session 2: Records Management on the...
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