
DAM - More Webinars to Come

By Gary Kahn posted 03-29-2012 15:47



If you missed any of the recent Earley & Associates DAM webinars, you can find the session recordings at

This series, Get Dynamic with Digital Assets, has covered some great territory.  I especially liked Seth Maislin’s perspective on developing taxonomies for digital assets (1stsession).  Dan Taylor provided a nice overview of the ways in which DAM projects are more complex many other ECM projects.

At the second session, Faith Robinson’s talk is the highlight in my mind.  Using Hasbro as a case study, Faith showed how to build out an effective cross-organizational approach to DAM workflow and infrastructure.  A lot of good stuff in Pieter Casneuf’s talk as well, including insights on integrating DAm technology with SharePoint. A lot of people commented on the quality of the speaker discussion during Q&A period of session 2.

The next two sessions are on April 4 and April 11.   On April 4, analyst Theresa Regli talks about industry vendor trends.  There is also a panel discussion on critical success factors and pitfalls of DAM project. For more information and registration, go to

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