It was hard to separate the low turnout from the resonating message in the search trend and survey results tracks. User satisfaction levels are stagnant or declining as solutions for this maturing market continue to evolve
What do New Years Resolutions have in common with the more open-ended promises in your 2014 ECM budget? For starters there's that sloppy cultural workplace setting filed under "Change Management." The subtext? Rebrand "the change" as "the way things should have been...
One of our partners sponsored the new AIIM State of the Service Provider Industry Survey that over 300 people have already participated in . The results of the survey will be presented in Orlando, followed by a panel discussion on the findings and how you can put the information to use as soon as you arrive back at the office
According to a February AIIM survey nearly half of all enterprises are either dismissive or undecided on their SharePoint-in-the-cloud plans
2 Comments - no search term matches found in comments.
Speed – In many usability studies and surveys the highest rated feature is the speed of the application
” Think about training & communication plans Migration & upgrade planning Drive & reward desired changes in behavior Have a feedback loop – formal (surveys) & informal Internal marketing & case studies Then lets mix in some critical factors for success: Factor time in for training End users, IT administrators, developers, support, designers, authors, contributors Not a 1 time event Develop a communication plan Internal user groups & champions Think about process & role changes First phase will take the longest Plan for regular releases to add value (e.g. quarterly updates) after initial release If we take a step back and think of some core requirements for a successful Phase 1 SharePoint deployment there are: Look & feel with usability is important but very much overlooked Tackle governance, migration planning & information architecture – lay the foundation for future phases Team sites, templates, collaboration, documents, workflow, web parts, content types, metadata, social features (tagging, rating, wikis, blogs, etc.)
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