The Fraud Triangle Analytics (FTA) supports corporate security officers and internal auditors with internal investigations on their Big Data collections to prevent and detect fraud as early as possible
Records management and text analytics - a powerful marriage for ECM Thursday, March 21 10:00 Text analytics may be the best kept secret in our industry
Billy Cripe presented Moving Beyond Analytics: Putting Insights into Action. The recent innovation explosion in text analytics, information management and big data have produced unparalleled information gathering and insight mining capabilities
Applying content analytics helps to assuage the risks of Big Data , but also to benefit from the power of Big Data: broad analysis which yields absolute insights
But, it is also possible to develop text mining and other content analytics applications with multi-linguality requirements in mind
However, some text analytics products take a so-called “bag of word” (BOW) approach, in which all words (maybe with the exception of a list of high frequency noise words) are dumped into a mathematical model, without any additional knowledge or interpretation of linguistic patterns and properties such as word order (“a good book” versus “book a good”), synonyms, spelling and syntactical variations, co-references and pronouns resolution or negations
Contact 410 Albert Street Suite 100A Waterloo, ON N2L 3V3 Canada #Analytics #Archiving #ArtificialIntelligence #Collaboration #ContentMigration #ContentServices #Privacy #DocumentManagement #InformationGovernance #ProcessAutomation #RecordsManagement #Search #Security #SharePoint #Office365 #TaxonomyandMetadata #TextAnalysis #LeadershipCouncilMember
But most importantly, the application of content analytics and other search technology is now getting built-in to specific search applications for eDiscovery, compliance, auditing, and other real-world applications
In addition to requiring redeployed enterprise-search technology, large-scale investigations like these need flexible data identification, - capturing, - collection and - preservation tools, support for many different file formats and languages, data normalization and enrichment tools, content analytics, support for multi-media, open long-term data storage, privacy-, privileged-, health- and other data protection compliance, and flexible disclosure and production tools
Even one of the vendors I spoke to understood that their tools could do so much more if they were employed for insight and analytics, rather than for responding and defending against discovery and compliance issues
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