While document archiving (typically called “scan to archive”) is important, it doesn’t usually have as significant return on investment as people would like. Its primary driver for purchase is based around retention, either from the perspective of shared access or regulatory adherence. In today’s economic environment, we find customers making purchase decisions based on these key drivers: 1) Cost reduction or cost containment 2) Gains in operational efficiency 3) Gains in customer satisfaction and retention 4) Gains in internal process situational awareness, 5) And last but not least, risk mitigation from a regulatory standpoint. When augmenting these purchase drivers, we see an overall push to minimize – or even eliminate -- paper as quickly as possible
Primary metric: A great metric is the NIGO (not in good order) rate – and you’ll be redesigning your forms process to reduce NIGO rates. Primary cost driver that you intend to change as a result of improving the process: the cost of NIGOs
He was an early pioneer of document management systems for business and engineering applications, and has produced many AIIM survey reports on issues and drivers for Capture, ECM, Records Management, SharePoint, Mobile, Cloud and Social Business
In particular I will describe a framework for identifying and developing information governance drivers and strategies for achieving them, particularly as they apply to social business technologies
In my view, capture is one of the essential elements of success for an ECM environment and one of the key drivers in unlocking paper-based information from a silo, into a more accessible state where it can be shared by the organization as a whole, simultaneously
These are consistent across many types of content and process, with invoices, contracts and application forms being the most popular. 48% of respondents have a centralized, in-house scanning service, citing better indexing and closer integration with the process as the main benefits Knowledge management in the form of improved searchability of business documents is the highest driver for scanning, closely followed by compliance and business process improvement
Things to take away from this story: Only deploy technology based on identified and accepted business needs; Have measurable outcomes defined so you can actually determine whether or not you’re succeeding; Business and IT are partners and must work together; If your BA isn’t that strong, make sure they are properly coached and supported; Don’t sign off on a business case that doesn’t contain business objectives, business drivers, or success criteria; If you’re not going to comply with corporate standards and guidelines, cool, but have solid justification for not complying [1] ; If the first sentence in your business case is something like “ To enable [EE] to capture the benefits of SharePoint in our department, we need to revisit our existing 2010 [EE] Team site.”, you don’t actually have one; Shiny Object Disease is both preventable and curable
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