Too often, organizations rush through the analysis phase in order to get to the implementation, and in so doing, they frequently leave people behind
Only then can organizations leverage their knowledge assets to support search, litigation, eDiscovery, text mining, sentiment analysis, and business intelligence
CRM allows for better reporting and analysis. CRM is a great repository for business intelligence (BI) analysts to analyze and report on trends that are occurring in an organization
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I speak at a lot of SharePoint events, and as I warm up the crowd, I like to ask a couple icebreaker questions and get a sense for how interactive and responsive the audience will be. One of my favorite questions is: by show of hands, does anyone have an end user adoption issue? ...
Capture the Data Without data, your analysis and conclusions are just opinions. Many past quality initiatives based their analysis on subjective judgments and gut feelings
We can all see that our organizations are getting to be more mobile -- whether than means people doing more from their smart phones and tablets, or just that teams are more geographically dispersed is really a moot point: how we access our content and tools is changing as technology advances....
It is a broad, inter-disciplinary analysis of usage patterns that spans sociology, anthropology, psychology, technology, and business
I continue to be amazed that clients try to create a business case for a major, multi-million dollar project request at the eleventh hour. How can business and IT managers be so naïve? They know a business case is required. They know they are competing with other projects for limited...
But, you can probably get what you really need . Provided you are a business user with a good business analyst on your project team. And you don’t get distracted by sparkly technology thingies. My favorite illustration of failure in the “get requirements….deliver on...
In short: it's an analysis of the changing way in which we do business
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