With the new cloud app model, apps are now self-contained, and can offer distinct pieces of functionality that either add to, or extend SharePoint’s core functionality
Internal authentication is also utilized when an incoming call targets the URL of an existing SharePoint 2013 app web. This authentication does not support app-only authentication to elevate privilege(s)
This actually makes a lot of sense for Microsoft to do this as everything had become an "App" in true technical conversations. When speaking with the business side of a SharePoint 2013 or Office 365 Hybrid initiative (and even in Azure) you would have to detail what exactly an "App" was and with those users in organization's with previous experience in either SharePoint 2007 or SharePoint 2010 and Web Parts, with the ability to add an "App Part" to a Site site definitely can get confusing for end users and Power users alike
SharePoint Farm Resource Hierarchy SharePoint 2013 | Hybrid Office 365 Web App Resource Hierarchy Deployment Impact Examples - IIS Reset (EPC Group Example) Deployment Impact Examples- App Pool Reset (EPC Group Example) Maintenance Windows (Backup, code promotion, etc.) Understanding Isolation Modes in SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 Hybrid Deployments In SharePoint 2013: Each “customer” = one site collection under managed path Similar to today Each Web Application = one app pool Similar to today Each Web Application = one URL Similar to today Exception Process for Host Header named site collections (vanity URL’s) Along Side or in an Office 365 Hybrid Deployment: BYO Servers Leverage existing architecture Hybrid Considerations (Seamless SharePoint 2013 On-Prem \ Office 365 Cloud Search Integration) Scaling Web Front-ends and Understanding When to Scale App Scale and Tipping Points EPC Group’s Nationally Recognized Practice Areas EPC Group leading SharePoint , Office 365 , Infrastructure Design and Business Intelligence Practice areas continue to lead the way in providing our clients with the most up-to-date and relevant information that is tailored to their individual business and functional needs
An app for SharePoint is a small, easy-to-use, stand-alone app that solves a specific end-user or business need. Site owners can discover and download apps for SharePoint from a public SharePoint Store or from their organization's internal App Catalog and install them on their SharePoint sites
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Workflows, site templates, lists, apps, library templates and policies all have content types associated within them
Here is our logic: First, there has been too much investment in customizing SharePoint On-Premise to easily migrate existing On-Premises SharePoint solutions into Office 365 and the App (Client Side Object or CSOM) Model
You should utilizes the new SharePoint app model when your organization’s business or technical requirements require customization to support the following: Requires a full screen interfaces Entails the customization or the ribbon or menu actions Needs to be an app parts Requires workflows and/or remote event receivers Needs to pull in data from other systems Requires custom lists, fields or views Microsoft has also just recently the new Office 365 API Tools Preview which will open up the possibilities of not only integrating data but the ability to continue to streamline the security models and lower some of the fears and possibly realistic perceived risk regarding the storage of sensitive (PHI, PII, HIPAA, etc.) data within the cloud
The other piece, the announcement that Office Web Apps run on the iPad, well, I’m still waiting
The Digital Company – How to move from analog to digital processes with UDOCX? If you “google” for the digital company you will come across different articles and definitions. “Going digital” can be understood as communicating digitally i.e. by using social...
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