
Graphical Overview: Scalability Best Practices for a Hybrid SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 Environment

By Errin O'Connor posted 08-21-2014 14:29


This post is meant to provide you with a visual overview of the underlying scalability considerations and related best practices for a Hybrid SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 Environment.

SharePoint Farm Resource Hierarchy


SharePoint 2013 | Hybrid Office 365 Web App Resource Hierarchy



Deployment Impact Examples - IIS Reset (EPC Group Example)


Deployment Impact Examples- App Pool Reset (EPC Group Example)



Maintenance Windows (Backup, code promotion, etc.)

Understanding Isolation Modes in SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 Hybrid Deployments

 In SharePoint 2013:

  • Each “customer” = one site collection under managed path
    • Similar to today
  • Each Web Application = one app pool
    • Similar to today
  • Each Web Application = one URL
    • Similar to today
    • Exception Process for Host Header named site collections (vanity URL’s)

 Along Side or in an Office 365 Hybrid Deployment:

  • BYO Servers
  • Leverage existing architecture
  • Hybrid Considerations (Seamless SharePoint 2013 On-Prem \ Office 365 Cloud Search Integration)

Scaling Web Front-ends and Understanding When to Scale



App Scale and Tipping Points



EPC Group’s Nationally Recognized Practice Areas

EPC Group leading SharePointOffice 365Infrastructure Design and Business Intelligence Practice areas continue to lead the way in providing our clients with the most up-to-date and relevant information that is tailored to their individual business and functional needs.

Additional "From the Consulting Trenches" strategies and methodologies are covered in EPC Group's new book, "SharePoint 2013 Field Guide: Advice from the Consulting Trenches" covering not only SharePoint 2013, Office 365 and SharePoint Online but Information Management, ECM\RM and overall compliance strategies in this ever changing world of "Hybrid IT."

#HybridSharePoint2013andOffice365deployment #SharePoint #HybridCloudStrategies #HybridOffice365Strategies
