PS Software Solutions became the core of the Livelink RM module after PS was acquired by Open Text in 1999, Tarian Software was acquired by FileNet (now part of IBM) in 2002 and Provenance Systems became Documentum Records Manager (now part of EMC), also in 2002
In January OpenText acquired Informative Graphics Corp. Here's a podcast where I chat with Connie Moore about what the purchase means for OpenText and their customers. #OpenText
I have had extensive experience in all phases of information systems development, including strategic planning, architecture design and implementation, document analysis and architecture, business and situation analysis, and data architecture. Prior to joining Perficient, I was the ECM Practice...
Perhaps it was inevitable, but Oracle has finally declared war on EMC’s Documentum and is introducing a new program to replace Documentum installations for free. On Oct 26 they are hosting a webinar to discuss some of the specifics. (
I am currently heading up a team that is migrating approximately ten million documents from a legacy Documentum system to Open Text Livelink in support of one of the largest corporate mergers in Canadian history
I got invited to participate in the expert blog on ECM (enterprise content management) and, in my usually subtle way, I thought I’d take the bull by the horns by asking the tough question: “Is ECM still relevant?” There have been some calls lately suggesting that the answer is no. I am not so...
Then along comes Open Text and the a announcement of their results for fiscal 2010
It comes from Open Text and is their Social Media Mobile app. The app appears to tie into their forays into Web 2.0, but it wasn't immediately clear whether or how it would access an Open Text repository. But I'm thinking that that's one of the iPad "killer apps" almost by definition
Principles of Holistic Information Governance from Chris Walker #information governance #OpenText #InformationGovernance #PHIGs
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Missed AIIM 2014 ? Or did you just miss out on a session or three you wanted to see? In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing many of the presentations with you. Actionable advice and thought leadership brought to you by some of the smartest people in the information technology industry. ...
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