Gartner released 2012 Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management (WCM) sometime back and the next in line will be MQ for ECM
Now, I’m usually quite happy for my wife to buy me clothes as she has much better taste than me...There was no other option than for me to do this myself
Gartner released their 2 nd annual Enterprise File Sync & Share Magic Quadrant (EFSS MQ) recently (2015-07-22)...File synchronization and sharing capabilities are required for doing business today
I have been a dues paying AIIM member for a decade, have overseen the evolution of ECM in my organization for 15 years, and I consume an array of business, technology and IT related news & information
“Gartner predicts by 2016, 20% of CIOs in regulated industries will lose their jobs for failing to implement the discipline of information governance successfully...These unworkable choices resurface in the two extremes posed by ECMs and social media tools
2 Comments - Those kinds of losses make for a winning demo
Prior to joining Perficient, I was the ECM Practice Director at Canon Technology Solutions, responsible for the all aspects of the ECM consulting practice. I was the Senior Director responsible for Business Solutions and Global Alliances at Hummingbird
Gartner recently came out with its top predictions for 2012 , highlighting “how the control of technology and technology-driven decisions is shifting out of the hands of IT organizations.”
In my last blog, ECM Vendors Go to War ( ) , it was brought up that upgrades to existing ECRM (CMS) systems will accelerate in the near future
” This is a troubling trend for a number of obvious reasons, but it becomes even more so in light of Gartner’s prediction that “the control of technology and technology-driven decisions is shifting out of the hands of IT organizations
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