Lots of news about MoReq2010 following the DLM Forum’s triennial conference in Brussels (Belgium) this week (12 to 14 December 2011). SOFTWARE TESTING PROGRAMME The DLM Forum has launched its testing programme for MoReq2010. There are two main aspects to this...
Don’t tell anyone: MoReq2010 has at last been published. I say ‘don’t tell anyone because’ the DLM Forum (its publisher) seems to be keeping it quiet. In its most bizarre move yet, the DLM Forum has published MoReq2010 – but without a big splash to tell people....
If you have any interest in MoReq, you may want to set aside some time to review the draft of MoReq2010 between 26th November and 26th December. At the DLM Forum Members’ Meeting in Brussels on 17th November, the author of MoReq2010 announced that the draft of the “core +...
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