For a successful ERM project, you need a solid project team...This role is responsible for approving and initiating the records management project. The sponsor may also select the project manager for the project
For a successful project, you need a solid project team...This role is responsible for approving and initiating the email management project. The sponsor may also select the project manager for the project
Many SharePoint ECM projects fail not because the technology implementation was flawed or the business process did not provide the desired enhancements, but because the end users found ways around the system. SharePoint ECM projects suffer from the ‘It was easier before’ syndrome
Impact areas of an ERM Program include: Development of Records Management Develop and maintain ERM instruments (classification scheme, metadata model, security classification) Monitor adherence to ERM procedures (for example, audits) Disposition reviews –...
As I gradually recovered from my surprise, I reviewed my experience with the CIO to date: During the annual budget preparation cycle, I followed their expectations exactly, with one exception: I wove IT project and Records project jargon into the documentation. 2 were internal-to-Records proposed projects; the other 8 were external-facing. Only the 2 internal projects and 1 external-facing project were approved: the revision of the records retention schedule (RRS)
As per Gartner Research Vice President Tony Bell "more than 50 percent of large Enterprise Content Management (ECM) projects fail if less than six months are spent on vendor choice and planning
As an inspired ECM and BPM professional, my challenges in such projects have always been about bringing best practices and standards of both domains into active use
Electronic Records Management (ERM) is more than technology, and implementing an ERM project or program requires more than purchasing software and hoping for the best
When you embark on a new BPM, ECM or SharePoint project, it is important to not jam a superhighway of sharing and productivity on top of the cow path. Enshrining an illogical, unrefined and often unplanned path is not the ideal method of project execution or user adoption. The best question you should ask before working on any new project is, “Why?” Why are things being done a certain way?
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