Carla says: Being in the search business for too many years to count I have seen the focus on enterprise search as an organizational priority ebb and flow
Martin #e-discovery #metadatageneration #EnterpriseContentManagement #ConceptSearching #Search #search #autoclassification #TaxonomyandMetadata #Taxonomy
Maybe it’s the same with enterprise search. Part of the issue with enterprise search is it is viewed as a stand-alone application
How much does it take to define the right search fit for your organization?
As the saying goes, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”; TAR is also called Machine Assisted Review (MAR), Computer Assisted Review (CAR), Predictive Coding, Concept Search, or Meaning-based computing: all of which are marketing terms without any specific scientific meaning
The actual know-how for staging a competent and successful search engine showdown is no less elusive #Security #EnterpriseContentManagement #autoclassification #data #InformationGovernance #DLP #Forrester #ToxicData #office365 #ConceptSearching #Search #SharePoint
Ideally, the taxonomy can be used to browse the document collection or as a filter when running ad hoc searches. Other vendors do it differently
The effectiveness of search, moving unidentified security exposures, duplicate documents, documents that should be deleted and opening the flood gates for non-compliance issues
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