How often does this happen to you ? You are on the go, you need to check out a web site of a public administration or a company because you need information only available from them directly. You use your mobile phone to browse the site as this is what you have with you, only to discover that...
Ok now that I have your attention, I'll quickly say that of course I believe that PDF is a great technology that has served its purpose for a long time, but I believe we should progressively stop using it in some use cases since the world has actually changed to slowly make it less relevant....
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The following is a SharePoint 2010 Web Standards and Usability Quick Reference Guide following EPC Group’s best practices for SharePoint GUI development (master page) and configuration best practices. SharePoint 2010 Accessibility A way to guarantee interoperability of...
This is just to have this CSS handy. It basically hides the check boxes and the Title fields on list views on your page making it look clean and not hop around when the mouse hovers over it. SharePoint 2010 has a lot of new features, but a lot of pages are intended for viewing only and this is...
There are fashionistas and clothes horsemen. Then there are people who suit up on game day without a clue. Yes, I'm referring to shuffling office park jetsetters like me who answer fashion statements with CSS padding properties. How you dress says as much about who you expect to see...
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