iPad, iPhone, Android, surface technology, all of it is wonderful, mesmerizing the techie in many of us. The world of cool tools and gadgets of all types tends to take us into a dream world where everything is great and information comes to us readily and easily
Enterprise Collaboration solutions have been termed as Game Changers and are in huge demand
Businesses are increasingly recognising the potential benefits of using social collaboration tools as part of a strategy to improve levels of collaboration within their organisation
3 Comments - See http://www.scoop.it/t/how-to-create-a-platform-for-collaboration
While we have thankfully largely moved beyond the days when business execs believed that they could change their businesses on a shoestring budget through the introduction and viral adoption of free or very low-cost social collaboration tools, many still underestimate the level of investment required to get the benefits they are expecting. The cost of the software or service itself is one thing: if you want to deploy social collaboration tools at an enterprise-wide level with the associated expectations about the security, reliability and level of administrative control, you are going to need to invest in more than a low-end, freemium solution, and it will not be a small bill that you have to pay
Unfortunately, this lack of clarity is fairly widespread across most organizations using content management and collaboration platforms, such as SharePoint...It should be central to your collaboration strategy, and a core aspect of your regular governance discussions
My name is Angela Ashenden, and I am a Principal Analyst at UK-based research and advisory firm MWD Advisors , where I run our Collaboration research program. While collaboration is a broad and nebulous topic, my research focus is specifically on the emerging and fast-growing area of social collaboration - the use of social tools and technology to support and enable collaborative activity, be that inside an organisation, or outside, through collaboration with partners and customers
2 Comments - Your contribution of Social Collaboration ought to be interesting, to say the least
Can better communication and collaboration across your organisation play a role in enabling this?
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Profile your candidate processes and then fit to the right kind of BPM tool
One of the most frequent pieces of advice I offer to organisations considering a social collaboration initiative is to be clear why your organisation needs to be more collaborative . It's not enough for your goal to simply be "better collaboration", you need to unpick exactly what advantages better collaboration will bring you, and how these relate to your organisation's broader strategy
In my posts for this blog, I regularly reference my practice of speaking with organisations to identify best practices that I can share with organisations that are just setting out on their social collaboration journey, and so this month I thought I'd share some highlights of one of the case studies that I've published. Technology firm Ricoh America's social collaboration story stems - like many other examples in this space - from an intranet consolidation project, as a result of the company's acquisition in 2008 of the US company IKON
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