If you have seen the movie Field of Dreams, the title of this post will be familiar. Unfortunately, this is a saying that is not restricted to the movie but is often used in business, or at least a variation of it. Many times I have heard stories of how an organization will introduce technology...
The 900 pound gorilla cuts a fat two way profile in our community of SharePoint users. Mention obesity in a crowded server farm and that usually means that Microsoft has layered more arterial-clogging goopiness than your WAN can possibly carry. It's true. This one's going out to all you...
He holds a Masters degree in Technology Management from the University of Maryland and B.A. from George Mason University #Records-Management #ElectronicRecordsManagement #NARA #ManagingGovernmentRecordsDirective #AIIM14 #ERM
Prior to my consulting experience I engaged in technology management for R&D divisions of major pharmaceutical companies and network design for health care systems
Thornton combines a scholar's patience for empirical research, a stand-up comic's capacity for pattern recognition and a second-to-none gift for storytelling to the information technology management problems facing executives
Enterprise 2.0 is a set of technologies, management and business practices, HR and legal framework that can be used for many purposes what makes it hard to say exactly what it is in a few words
While the number of topics we could have is huge; we’ve broken it down into the following broad buckets that are focused enough to be useful and broad enough to encompass many ideas: Document Management Working Together – Collaboration and Knowledge Management Information Governance Enterprise Content Management Electronic Records Management SharePoint Finding the Right Information – Search, Taxonomy, Auto-classification Document Capture and Imaging Improving Business Processes Content Analytics and Big Data Web Content Management Within these broad topics, the “things” could be: Lessons learned “How to” primers Explanations of technology/management concepts Implementation advice; such as managing change Making the business case The impacts of social media, the cloud, and mobile on any of these topics Defining ROI Ediscovery and managing risk Whatever else you have in mind How Do I Share Mine?
So, depending on the expert or practitioner that was appealed to, enterprise 2.0 could be either about innovation, marketing, sales, HR, technology, management, philosophy
(Information Technology) management is the $99.00 to $199.00 OfficeMax (or your favorite office suppliers) whiteboard
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