Remember when the government got compliance-happy a bunch of years ago (Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA), and smaller firms screamed because they knew they couldn’t shoulder the cost of compliance as readily as the big ones could? They really resented it, too, because it was the malfeasance of the big...
Every time I read an article about some company analyzing the scary end of the Twitter fire hose, I am convinced that Big Data is the equivalent of Dark Matter – it’s important, but not to me on a daily basis. Working in Information Services for a small company, it doesn’t take too long for ...
As UK-based UnLtd - a not-for-profit organisation which supports social entrepreneurs - found, hiring lots of people in a short timeframe can provide major challenges for a small business; it's difficult to onboard them fast enough to keep up with the growing workload. Similarly, many small businesses have little in the way of an intranet, so it's difficult to share information effectively to support the accelerated demand
Most small business taps cloud computing for their business operations, particularly the Software as a Service (SaaS)
By now it’s common knowledge that small businesses can benefit from cloud technology...What cloud-based applications should any small business investigate?
Can you stand one more blog post about governance? How about if I promise to make it short? I have been reading several posts on governance lately, and while I find them impressive and insightful, they lead me to make that comment that I hate to make: “ that wouldn’t work in our shop...
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The results of a Microsoft survey show 86% of small business owners believe technology is important to their success, but only 30% are currently using cloud technology. Having worked with small businesses for years, I know the challenges they face
A recent study, “ The State of Small Business Report ,” shows that social media usage by small business owners increased from 12% to 24% in just the last year, and almost 1 out of 5 actively uses social media as part of their marketing strategy
Two current areas of current interest to me – small businesses and international corporations – have both reinforced the perspective that paper based information is a fact of life that will never really disappear. In looking into the realities of small businesses I recently attended several professional meetings where I assumed my perspectives on electronic records management would be welcomed and relevant
I will rely greatly on statistics, research and the brilliant book, "The Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America" by Marc Levinson, drawing a completely separate set of key takeaways as we look at this in today's context
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