The technology is irrelevant until you first agree -- which means you have a shared understanding -- on what you are trying to accomplish...Develop your use cases. Have a shared understanding with your end users, your team, your management
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And for the organization that has CIP-certified staff, those people are going to add value across the enterprise because they will speak the same language and have a shared understanding between, say, records and IT about the impact of a new system or a new compliance requirement
There needs to be a very clear shared understanding and shared commitment required for a SharePoint project or a marriage to really work long term
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Of course, my description above does not cover all consultants -- I know many who spend the bulk of their consultative hours asking the right questions and driving toward a shared understanding of what is to be solved before moving forward with any solution
Because you cannot build out SharePoint and walk away, you need to have a process in place that provides a shared understanding of how SharePoint should work, how it should be managed, and who owns all of that activity
Consolidating a shared understanding of where you are going and what you need to achieve
This discovery process is an important part of your planning process, as you may uncover requirements or attitudes which may propel your effort forward, or curb your enthusiasm. Develop a shared understanding of what the business is trying to achieve
The success of any project can hinge on having a shared understanding of what is to be achieved
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