
Survey shows CIP = more money!

By Jesse Wilkins posted 02-02-2012 17:45


Last week AIIM conducted some market research with a group of more than 200 business executives. The survey was a blind list - that is, the respondents had no known relationship with AIIM. The results were not a surprise to me or the people who have already taken the CIP certification exam, but I wanted to share them with the broader AIIM community. 

What we found was the following: 
  • 64 percent of business executives would prefer to hire a Certified Information Professional (CIP) versus a non-certified candidate.
  • 76 percent of business executives would pay a CIP a salary premium. Of these, 45 percent indicated that they would pay more than a 10 percent salary premium.
  • 61 percent of business executives would prefer consultants that hold the CIP designation over those who do not.
  • 62 percent of business executives think having CIP-certified staff would enhance the perception of their organization in the industry
  • 60 percent of business executives would prefer CIP-certified IT staff.
  • 66 percent of business executives think having CIP-certified staff would improve their ability to find, manage and exploit their information assets across the enterprise.

In other words, whether you're looking for a promotion, a new job, or clients and prospects, the CIP has the potential to help you get it.

And for the organization that has CIP-certified staff, those people are going to add value across the enterprise because they will speak the same language and have a shared understanding between, say, records and IT about the impact of a new system or a new compliance requirement. This should make it easier to translate between their various spheres of expertise, which in turn will help streamline implementation and rollout. 

You can find more information about the CIP at; you can also review the detailed exam outline, watch some training videos, or take a sample test

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