By now everybody knows that wiki and social media foster collaboration. The sad truth is that these tools also lack framework and structure needed in the corporate world. They also lack motivation to stay the course and NOT to turn work- and learning-related communication channel into a virtual...
Given the rise of enterprise collaboration and its emerging role in healthcare, there are a number of proposals I encourage you to review
Content on demand through smart devices #Management #SharePoint #BusinessProcessManagement #ElectronicRecordsManagement #content #enterprise #Collaboration
In my travels, I work with a lot of organizations on social media (SM) and enterprise collaboration, whether as part of dedicated Enterprise 2.0 (E2.0) projects or under the umbrella of broader content and process management initiatives
Nothing’s changed The first thing to realize is that SM and enterprise collaboration technologies have not fundamentally altered the situation on the ground in CPG and manufacturing—they are simply offering new modes of capturing information that has been there as long as there have been shop floor employees and deliverymen
For anyone keeping score these days, the market for social business software, especially enterprise collaboration, is heating up
Few people would argue that to be effective knowledge management must involve collaboration and engagement techniques. Using enterprise wiki, social media and other already existing tools might be an effective way to win over employees and build a reliable knowledge management environment....
Analysts and pundits love to talk about changes in the fabric of enterprise technology as if new entries are popping in out of nowhere, like a light switch being turned on. We were making due with steel and flint, and then suddenly….someone invents matches. And then a blow torch. And then...
In James Q. Wilson's 1989 book Bureaucracy , Wilson repeatedly mentions Ronald Coase and his 1937 paper 'The Nature of the Firm' regarding the value of the hierarchical organization, in which Coase identified that while workers could contract with each other in a market (identify business...
I'm sitting in the New Zealand Air lounge in Auckland on my way back to the States after a couple weeks on the road presenting at the Australian and New Zealand SharePoint Conferences, thinking about a recurring theme from both conferences: is it necessary to upgrade to the latest version? ...
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