I am finishing my thesis on best practices in document management and currently looking for people to interview
The cost of processing invoices is reduced with electronic document management, and Brian Smith of IntelliChief said financial professionals cite the quick ROI seen from an ECM system is a primary motivator for implementing the system
2 Comments - no search term matches found in comments.
One topic related to this; Document Management is rarely thought about...The concept I posed on this thread was “Document Management isn’t just about the CAD files and Project Management
Below are a few common business issues, and how proper document management solves them. 1
Most Legal firms and Legal departments have requirements around litigation, e-discovery, compliance, corporate governance, and intellectual property. If you’re one of them then you have a range of options. Your options include simple shared drives, SharePoint , focused ECM solutions...
1 Comment - We took Office 365 approach for implementing Legal Document Management System
Pam Doyle’s presentation at the AIIM road show in Chicago contained some “fast facts” about document management that I thought worth repeating
1 Comment - We have helped many organizations go paperless with efficient and cutting edge document management strategies of Microsoft. Online24x7 provides an easy solution to gain a complete control over documentation. With DMS (Document Management System), business process and operations gain optimum efficiency and they become customized
Time for the "old" debate - why implement an electronic document management system (edms) what is wrong with paper after all?? So, is your organisation considering investing in an electronic document management system? If so what is driving this, any of the following?
1 Comment - This is all about why we need document management system
Electronic Document Management Systems otherwise known as (EDMS) drive business results by assisting organizations with their documents on a daily basis
Document management and records management sound very much alike, don’t you think?
7 Comments - Document Management is a broader term while Record management is what we can achieve with ease if document management is implemented...I have been working with a firm that specializes in Document Management techniques using Microsoft's technologies
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