Here’s the complete list of criteria: Primary Processes Supporting Processes Primary Technology Capabilities Supporting Technology Capabilities Operations Quality Mechanisms Human Resources Customer Satisfaction Financial Management Vendor Management Business Continuity And here are the questions we ask, in more detail: 1
They join compliance, effectiveness, efficiency and business continuity as drivers for sound records management programs
Manage an information governance team comprised of programs addressing privacy, data flow and system mapping, business continuity, and PCI (Payment Card Industry) certification, and regulatory retention and disposition oversight
05-27-2021 | 12:00 - 13:00 ET
Tapes should only be used for backup storage for business continuity. Begin an evaluation process to categorize existing tapes into three categories: (1) those with content subject to hold(s), (2) those with content subject to retention, (3) those with content subject neither to hold(s) nor retention
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Of course you should not wait until a season draws near, you should always be ready with a disaster recovery and business continuity plan. This is not just for your digitally created materials but also your paper based information
Tapes should only be used for backup storage for business continuity. 2
As we try to meet the business drivers for electronic records management – compliance, effective, efficiency and business continuity, is the answer from staff that they need to retain information for business intelligence impeding our retention goals?
I am tasked with automating paper and e-born document processes, archiving legacy documents (e-born and hard copy) to electronic document management systems, assuring business continuity, and maintaining the applications involved
” In our case, I am building a list to support our Business Continuity plan. We are compiling a list of all the various business processes that we (Information Services) support, and ranking them according to their continuity needs
With these computer applications, we can address the business drivers identified as the four Cs – compliance, cost, collaboration and (business) continuity. How to Ensure Information Governance Organizations need to take a holistic approach to managing their records and information
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