Like all business analyses, the business reasons for a taxonomy can be examined from two different perspective. These are a quantitative analysis and a qualitative analysis. Both of these perspectives are important to get the support for a taxonomy in your organization. QUANTITATIVE...
I speak at a lot of SharePoint events, and as I warm up the crowd, I like to ask a couple icebreaker questions and get a sense for how interactive and responsive the audience will be. One of my favorite questions is: by show of hands, does anyone have an end user adoption issue? ...
We can all see that our organizations are getting to be more mobile -- whether than means people doing more from their smart phones and tablets, or just that teams are more geographically dispersed is really a moot point: how we access our content and tools is changing as technology advances....
Social Informatics is the study of information and communication tools in cultural and institutional contexts. It is a broad, inter-disciplinary analysis of usage patterns that spans sociology, anthropology, psychology, technology, and business. More specifically, it is a study of the way that...
But, you can probably get what you really need . Provided you are a business user with a good business analyst on your project team. And you don’t get distracted by sparkly technology thingies. My favorite illustration of failure in the “get requirements….deliver on...
I saw a wi-fi placard in a hotel recently and laughed that it still touted the service as being "50 times faster than dialup." I can't remember the last time I even owned a computer with a modem, much less care about that useless comparison. I marvel at the speed of...
One of the more intriguing lines of inquiry at a recent meeting of the AIIM New England Chapter had to do with my assertion that there is a connection between analyzing your business problems and engaging in change management. Though on the surface these appear to be two completely separate...
Keep them appraised of progress and listen to their feedback ·Thorough business analysis is essential ·Implement a small, proof of concept, project to help gain acceptance and allow an appropriate learning curve and resolve any, unforeseen, issues ·Form a user group to get feedback from key users within the business ·Be honest and admit mistakes, but be sure to rectify them I hope the above helps…..interested to hear your views&hellip
SharePoint is fundamentally a business platform, worth more than the sum of its parts. It is not just a piece of software, not just a set of services, not just a collection of tools and accelerators: it is a platform on which your business can socialize, collaborate, and innovate. We track...
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If you have 3 months to deploy SharePoint, be sure to take at least 6 weeks for business analysis, planning and design before you even build a POC, let alone a production environment
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