Many corporations have small cubicles, bad infrastructure, and demanding supervisors, which often leads to unmotivated and stressed employees. Below are some funny (and sad) videos that document very well the implications of an old Enterprise 1.0 environment. Check out the new Enterprise 2.0 ...
You’ve seen this kind of post before. Most recently, by Rob Gray when he said that most in this community build “systems of control” when we should be building “systems of engagement.” Oscar Berg echoed that: we’re not designing systems for easy adoption...
Just as our economy moved from an agricultural to an industrial market, and from industrial to an information-based marketing, within the world of the Information Worker this increase in productivity is allowing organizations to move from a hardware-centric view (where IT pulls cables, stands up servers, maintains those servers) to a business intelligence and decision support view
Minutes after a purchase, they're looking over the fence at what someone else has purchases, what another team or organization has built, questioning the purchase they just made. Information workers are technology consumers, and as technology advances and the rising generation enters the workforce, an increasing percentage of us are information workers
The influx of information workers to SharePoint has been due to the rapid maturation process that SharePoint has undergone in relation to its' prowess for Enterprise Content & Records Management (ECM/ERM or ECRM)
" During my tenure, I have come to believe that culture and technology are equal partners in the happiness (and productivity) of the information worker -- and that the two are not mutually exclusive
I’m convinced that we’re at a point where, together, we can make a huge impact on how IG gets done, and actually get adopted by information workers. At 10am PDT on June 29 th Box ’s Jessica Fain and I will be chatting about How to Succeed at Information Governance in the Cloud ; join us and join in on the discussion – we’d love to get your thoughts
- Will conventional content and process management applications be able to adapt to meet the expectations of a new generation of always on, always connected information workers? - What does it take to develop an effective social business strategy?
The FEDSIG is for federal information workers, whether IT professionals, knowledge or records managers, process engineers, or any of a host of related experts including access ( FOIA , Mandatory Declassification Review, Security Review ), privacy, cyber security, legal discovery, etc. None of these federal information workers can solve problems in silos
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Who are your information workers? Who needs to know about things like metadata and taxonomy and tagging and search terms?
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