
“Sneak Peek” interviews with speakers at AIIM’s Social Business Virtual Conference

By Bryant Duhon posted 08-04-2011 13:43


I wanted to collect all of the “Sneak Peek” interviews in one place for everyone. Below you'll find speaker interviews and articles highlighting themese that will be explored during AIIM’s Social Business Virtual Conference on September 8.

This event is going to rock. Go ahead and register; you won't regret it. 

Register for the AIIM Social Business Virtual Conference at

Ming Kwan, Marketing Manager, Nokia
Share to Connect
Jacob Morgan, Principal, The Chess Media Group
The Business Impact of Collaboration
Steve Ressler, Founder,
The Story of
Jesse Wilkins, Director, Systems of Engagement, AIIM
Developing a Twitter Policy
Dianne Kelley, Director, Records Management, Viacom
Aligning Strategy and Governance with Business Requirements
Gayle Weiswasser, Vice President, Social Media Communications, Discovery Communications
How Discovery Engages with their Audience

Bob Larrivee, Director, AIIM
How Mobile Devices Will Transform Paper Processes

Ken Bisconti, IBM
Social Media Meets Enterprise Content Management

Debra Logan, Vice President, Gartner
Key Issues for Enterprise Information Management

Claire Flanagan, Director, Social Business Strategy, CSC
Getting Beyond the Field of Dreams: Building a Successful Social Business Strategy, Inside and Out

If you're looking for answers to these questions, you really should attend.

- Can IT and records managers achieve meaningful information governance in a social world, or are they just getting in the way?

- What types of business processes can benefit from the use of social technologies?

- Will conventional content and process management applications be able to adapt to meet the expectations of a new generation of always on, always connected information workers?

- What does it take to develop an effective social business strategy?

Register for the AIIM Social Business Virtual Conference at


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