>>> The IBT International Business Track @ DMS EXPO, Stuttgart, Thursday, Sep. 29th, 2013 | Videos & Slides | Free download <<< The IBT@DMSEXPO provided an insight into the international trends of Enterprise Information Management. Well known analysts, industry...
Records Management: Definitions, Principles, Standards and Trends Video of the presentation "Records Management: Definitions, Principles, Standards and Trends" by Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer @ DMS EXPO 2012, Stuttgart, Germany http://bit.ly/DMS-RM The...
Earlier this month, I traveled to the Lone Star State to lead an educational session at Capture 2012: Imaging to Archive, one of the industry’s premier events on complex data capture and transactional content management.While conferences across a variety of industries are struggling to...
I’d like to again welcome ABBYY USA CEO, Dean Tang, to the AIIM Community Blog to discuss trends and growth of mobile capture and information management. In 2011, our industry began to grasp the idea of document capture and OCR in mobile and cloud environments. While it certainly didn’t...
I’d like to again introduce ABBYY CEO, Dean Tang, to the AIIM Community Blog to discuss the 2012 trends and growth in mobile capture. In 2011, our industry began to grasp the idea of document capture and OCR in mobile and cloud environments. While it certainly didn’t progress as far as I...
Over the past year, we have discussed the possibilities and potential of mobile data capture in a variety of situations. From discussions on mobile capture applications and consumer education , to the introduction of our full mobile data capture solution , ABBYY set forth in 2011 to make the...
A couple colleagues and I recently traveled down to Mexico City to discuss the state of the capture market in Latin America with some of our partners and customers. While we dined on authentic Mexican cuisine and sipped some of the best margaritas I have ever tasted, we kept coming back to an...
A dream-come-true to consumers, a nightmare for business, specially brand managers, marketing and finance professionals. The communication media is changing so dramatically and so fast that businesses are still trying to figure out what to do in this new environment to increase, or at least...
Part two in a series that examines the process of electronically capturing in Web-based forms the information trapped in today’s paper-based processes. As Sun Tzu says, “Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy's purpose. By persistently hanging...
Several of today’s hottest trends are coming together to give enterprise managers the tools they need to get closer to their customers, gain data faster, and to save on costs. In the last couple of years, more and more of my enterprise customers have been asking for on demand capture that...
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