
A Mobile Capture Success at TAWPI Capture 2012

By Joe Budelli posted 03-02-2012 11:37


Earlier this month, I traveled to the Lone Star State to lead an educational session at Capture 2012: Imaging to Archive, one of the industry’s premier events on complex data capture and transactional content management.While conferences across a variety of industries are struggling to remain on top of real-world trends, I felt that Capture 2012 did a great job of tapping into the pain points and benefits organizations can realize from deploying capture automation and processing technologies.                                     

My talk focused on the changing landscape of mobile technologyand the many benefits that OCR technology brings to today’s mobile devices and form driven institutions, and provided use cases for how data capture technology can turn smartphones into powerful data capture and input devices. Included were business processes like invoice processing, money transactions, and order entry, among others. You can get all of the details by looking at my presentation here:

TAWPI Mobile Forms Processing Presentation

After my session, I was able to connect with a few industry experts from various companies and organizations, including A2iA, AIIM, AnyDoc, BancTec, Ephesoft, Gimmal, IBML, Kofax, Opex, and Parascript, as well as attend some fantastic presentations and roundtables. My primary takeaway from these discussions and sessions is that end user organizations are looking to, and beginning to deploy, mobile devices as another solution for capture and document management. In addition, as mobile devices become an even more important part of our lives, this is a primary growth engine for the data capture industry moving forward.

Although there was some speculation that TAWPI Capture Conference may have lost its focus, I believe it transitioned with the industry as a whole, and now is in lock-step with the innovations, trends and solutions shaping the industry.

If you were able to attend this year’s Capture Conference, what topics and sessions did you learn the most from? If you didn’t make it, does the thought of mobile capture in form driven environments intrigue you?

- Guest post by Butch Reh, Director of Business Development, ABBYY USA

#ScanningandCapture #industrytrends #TAWPI #formsprocessing #cloud #mobiledatacapture
