Yesterday (May 30, 2016) I read this article which contends that Box, Dropbox, and others are not content management platforms. I was considering not linking to the article and just putting up screen shots of the main points, but I decided on the link instead. The article is nothing but FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) being spread by an on-premises content management provider (props for dropping Gartner, Forrester, and AIIM names though)
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Would Middle East see an immediate change in management as the demand for governance increases?
Hopefully you will not be faced with this situation, either in your own personal life or as a member of management but I think it is something that needs to be considered
Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor – AIIM Email me: Follow me on Twitter – BobLarrivee #BPM #paperlessoffice #getorganized #socialmedia #emailmanagement #E-mail #Office #Records-Management #technology #emailaddress #businesscase #ElectronicRecordsManagement #enterprise2.0 #research #Web Content Management #ECM #thenews #AIIM #e-discovery #model #training #imaging #emailarchiving #ERM #litigation #documentmanagement #ContentManagement #benefits #SharePoint
We all have information management issues and in many cases, we are all dealing with the same issues
This law established guidelines for electronic data collection and management. While this Act did not mandate the use of electronic archiving and data collection it did set out to specify policies and guidelines as an enticement for government agencies to consider paper in lieu of electronic methods
Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor – AIIM Email me: Follow me on Twitter – BobLarrivee #enterprise2.0 #sharepoint #Office #technology #documentmanagement #thenews #paperlessoffice #training #e-discovery #emailaddress #SharePoint #model #emailarchiving #ECM #BPM #businesscase #research #Records-Management #ERM #ContentManagement #socialmedia #litigation #E-mail #emailmanagement #AIIM #getorganized #benefits #Web Content Management #imaging
Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor – AIIM Email me: Follow me on Twitter – BobLarrivee #SharePoint #ERM #emailmanagement #litigation #emailaddress #model #socialmedia #thenews #research #Web Content Management #Office #imaging #technology #emailarchiving #paperlessoffice #training #businesscase #documentmanagement #getorganized #AIIM #Records-Management #sharepoint #e-discovery #benefits #enterprise2.0 #E-mail #ContentManagement #BPM #ECM
Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor – AIIM Email me: Follow me on Twitter – BobLarrivee #thenews #emailmanagement #socialmedia #ContentManagement #model #training #businesscase #paperlessoffice #ERM #Web Content Management #AIIM #E-mail #benefits #emailarchiving #e-discovery #enterprise2.0 #imaging #Office #emailaddress #sharepoint #technology #documentmanagement #litigation #getorganized #Records-Management #BPM #SharePoint #research #ECM
Many organizations are turning to SharePoint as a means for collaboration, better control over content or even electronic records management. What is your reason?
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